Diana "Dee" Parker
Empowering individuals to improve their well-being and create fulfillment.
Mission Statement
To empower individuals to improve their well-being and create a life of fulfillment through self-actualization and positive change.
What is Moxie?
having energy, courage, determination, know-how
Coaching Services
Individual Sessions​​
45min sessions
Set & Work Toward Your Individual Goals
Schedule & Pay as you go
You determine your program length
Session Packages​
45min Sessions
Set & Work Toward Your Individual Goals
Session packages available at a discounted rate
Session packages vary in program length
Payment Options Available
Option to add a Maximum for 4 Additional Sessions to the end of the Program Package at a Discounted Rate
Coaching Workshops
LIVE Stream Workshop
1 Day Group Coaching Workshop
Workshops Vary In Time
Gain Understanding about the Topic & Learn New Strategies to Support Success
Receive a personal Workbook to Support More Self-Reflection & Understanding
Sessions held by phone or video.
Book your FREE Initial Consultation Now.

Contact Me
If you are interested in learning more about individual coaching or our workshops, send me a message. You can also contact Moxie Coaching directly.
Schedule your FREE Initial Consultation through this site.
I'd love to hear from you.
Coaching Services available across the U.S.
Tel: 214-390-4704